
  1. Empirische Kommunalpolitikforschung.
    Forthcoming. SpringerVS (with Martin Gross and Dominic Nyhuis).

Edited Volumes

  1. Populism: An Introduction
    2024. Under contract with SAGE (with Robert A. Huber).

Journal Articles

  1. Selecting and Ranking Female Candidates Under PR: Evidence from a Two-Stage Conjoint Experiment. Accepted at European Journal of Political Research (with Jochen Rehmert).
  2. Prioritizing exceptional social needs. Experimental evidence on the role of discrimination and client deservingness in public employees’ and citizens’ discretionary behavior. Online First. Public Policy and Administration (with Brian Dietrich, Kai-Uwe Schnapp and Markus Tepe).
  3. Voting Against Parties: Populist Attitudes, Party Supply, and Support for Non-Partisan Actors
    Online First. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (with Cristina-Marie Juen and Markus Tepe).
  4. Electoral System Preferences of Citizens Compared: Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. 
    2023. European Political Science Review 15 (4), 671 – 689 (with Eric Linhart and Markus Tepe).
  5. Do voters want their parties to be office- or policy-seekers in coalition negotiations?
    Online First. West European Politics (with Martin Gross, Christina-Marie Juen and Florian Erlbruch).
  6. Support for strategic voting campaigns: Evidence from a survey experiment during the German General Election of 2021.
    2023. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 64, 379 – 393.
  7. When Correlation Is Not Enough: Validating Populism Scores from Supervised Machine-Learning Models.
    2023. Political Analysis 31 (4), 591 – 605 (with Robert A. Huber).
  8. Populist Parties and the Two-Dimensional Policy Space.
    2023. European Journal of Political Research 62 (3), 989 – 1004 (with Robert A. Huber and Christina-Marie Juen) [open access].
  9. Turning a blind eye on the black sheep. When are voters loyal to corrupt politicians?
    2023. Acta Politica 58, 765 – 791 (with Christina-Marie Juen and Marcel Lewandowsky) [open access].
  10. Sympathy for the devil? Voter support for illiberal politicians.
    2023. European Political Science Review 15 (1), 39 – 56 (with Marcel Lewandowsky) [open access].
  11. Slowly adopting: The impact of same-sex marriage legalization on the attitudes of parliamentary candidates in Germany.
    2023. European Journal of Politics and Gender 6 (1), 139 – 142 [open access].
  12. Explaining Populist Attitudes: The Impact of Issue Specific Discontent and Representation.
    2023. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 64, 133 – 154 (with Robert A. Huber and Carsten Wegscheider) [open access].
  13. Die Positionen der Parteien zur Bundestagswahl 2021: Ergebnisse des Open Expert Surveys.
    2022. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 63 (1), 53-72 (with Anna-Sophie Kurella, Christian Stecker, et al.) [open access].
  14. Administrative delegation revisited: Experimental evidence on the behavioural consequences of public service motivation and risk aversion.
    2023. International Review of Administrative Sciences 89 (3), 613 – 631 (with Maximilian Lutz, Susumu Shikano and Markus Tepe) [open access].
  15. How stable are ‘left’ and ‘right’? A morphological analysis using open-ended survey responses of parliamentary candidates.
    2023. Party Politics 29 (1), 26 – 39 (with Sebastian Schneider and Markus Tepe). [open access].
  16. Local preferences in candidate selection. Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment among party leaders in Germany.
    2022. Party Politics 28 (6), 1136–1149 (with Jan Berz) [open access].
  17. Parteiendifferenz in der Wald- und Forstpolitik. Eine Analyse der deutschen Bundesländer.
    2022. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 15, 593-615 (with Ulrich Hartung and Jochen Müller) [open access].
  18. Who wants COVID-19 Vaccination to be Compulsory? The Impact of Party Cues, Left-Right Ideology and Populism.
    2023. Politics 43 (3), 330 – 350 (with Christina-Marie Juen, Robert A. Huber, Markus Tepe, Torren Frank and Leena Maaß) [open access].
  19. Vaccine Alliance Building Blocks: A Conjoint Experiment on Popular Support for International COVID-19 Cooperation Formats.
    2022. Policy Sciences 54 (3), 493-506 (with Pieter Vanhuysse and Markus Tepe) [open access].
  20. Ballot Position Effects in Open-List PR Systems: The Moderating Effect of Postal Voting.
    2022. Acta Politica 57 (2), 320-340 (with Torren Frank) [open access].
  21. The Impact of Anti-Establishment Parties on the Electoral Success of Independent Local Lists: Evidence from Germany.
    2022. Party Politics 28 (1), 127-136 (with Christina-Marie Juen and Markus Tepe) [open access].
  22. Keep it simple! German voters’ limited competence to evaluate electoral systems’ functions.
    2022. German Politics 31 (4), 579 – 601 (with Eric Linhart and Markus Tepe).
  23. Stimmzettel nutzerfreundlicher gestalten: Empfehlungen auf Grundlage eines Survey-Experiments.
    2021. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 62 (1), 93-119 (with Dominic Nyhuis, Felix Münchow, Morten Harmening, Jannik Bruns, Max Holly, Josip Karacic and Christoph Hönnige) [open access].
  24. The Incumbency Advantage in Second-Order PR Elections: Evidence from the Irish Context, 1942-2019.
    2021. Electoral Studies 71 (3). (with Stefan Müller).
  25. Abstiegserfahrungen in der Kommune und der Aufstieg Unabhängiger Wähler-gemeinschaften. Neue Befunde aus einem Mehrebenen-Kommunalwahlpanel.
    2021. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 52 (1), 59-77 (with Christina-Marie Juen and Markus Tepe).
  26. Model Dependency in the Analysis of Women’s Electoral Success.
    2021. Politics and Gender 17 (2), 349-363 (with Kamil Marcinkiewicz).
  27. Representative Bureaucracy and Public Hiring Preferences. Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment among German Municipal Civil Servants and Private Sector Employees.
    2020. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 30 (4), 596-618 (with Christine Prokop and Markus Tepe).
  28. Conflict Dimensions and Party Positions in Multi-Level Democracies: Evidence from the Local Manifesto Project.
    2020. West European Politics 43 (1), 74-101 (with Martin Gross).
  29. NieKom. Eine neue Datenbasis für die kommunale Wahl- und Policyforschung in Niedersachsen.
    2019. dms – der moderne staat 12 (2), 465-471 (with Christina-Marie Juen, Florian Erlbruch, and Markus Tepe) [open access].
  30. Welches Wahlsystem wollen die Wähler? Evidenz von einem Conjoint-Experiment.
    2019. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 60 (2), 221-243 (with Eric Linhart and Markus Tepe).
  31. The Effect of Electing Women on Future Female Candidate Nomination Patterns. Findings from a Regression Discontinuity Design.
    2019. Politics and Gender 15 (2), 182-210 (with Kamil Marcinkiewicz and Anna Gwiazda).
  32. To Adapt or to Defend? Comparing Position Shifts among Bundestag Candidates between 2013 and 2017.
    2019. West European Politics 42 (4), 895-913 (with Sebastian Schneider and Markus Tepe).
  33. Do voters really prefer more choice? Determinants of Support for Personalised Electoral Systems.
    2019. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 29 (2), 262-281 (with Stefan Müller).
  34. Ineffective and Counterproductive? Evaluating the Impact of Gender Quotas in Open-List PR Systems.
    2019. Politics and Gender 15 (1), 1-33 (with Kamil Marcinkiewicz).
  35. Politikpositionen von Regierungen im Ländervergleich. Heterogenität am Beispiel der Agrarpolitik.
    2018. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 12 (4): 683-702 (with Stefan Ewert and Jochen Müller).
  36. Die AfD im achten Europäischen Parlament: Eine Analyse der Positionsverschiebung basierend auf namentlichen Abstimmungen von 2014-2016.
    2018. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 12 (3): 567-589 (with Marcel Lewandowsky).
  37. One Voice or Different Choice? Vote Defection of EU Member States in the United Nations General Assembly.
    2018. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 20 (3), 652-673 (with Nicolas Burmester).
  38. Are populist parties fostering women’s political representation in Poland? A comment on Kostadinova & Mikulska.
    2018. Party Politics 24 (2), 185-196 (with Kamil Marcinkiewicz).
  39. Ideological Alternative? Analyzing AfD Candidates’ Ideal Points via Blackbox Scaling.
    2017. Party Politics 23 (6), 704-716 (with Sebastian Schneider and Markus Tepe).
  40. The Effects of Electoral Rules on Parliamentary Behavior: A Comparative Analysis of Poland and the Czech Republic.
    2016. East European Politics and Societies 30 (4), 885-906 (with Kamil Marcinkiewicz and Mary Stegmaier).
  41. Voting for Locals: Voters’ Information Processing Strategies in Open-List PR Systems.
    2016. Electoral Studies 43 (3), 72-84.
  42. “All by myself” oder “With a little help from my friends”? Die Integration der Bundespartei in die Wahlkampforganisation auf Landesebene.
    2014. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 24 (4), 427-447. (with Marcel Lewandowsky).
  43. Reassessing the European Union in the United Nations General Assembly.
    2014. Journal of European Public Policy 21 (10), 1491-1508 (with Nicolas Burmester).
  44. When there’s no Easy Way out: Electoral Law Reform and Ballot Position Effects in the 2011 Hamburg State Elections.
    2014. German Politics 23 (1-2), 103-117 (with Kamil Marcinkiewicz).
  45. The Unsolved Puzzle: Pacific Asia’s Voting Cohesion in the United Nations General Assembly – A Response to Peter Ferdinand.
    2013. The British Journal of Politics & International Relations 16 (4), 680-689 (with Nicolas Burmester).
  46. The agony of choice? On voter turnout and the new electoral law in the city-state of Hamburg.
    2013. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 44 (2), 264-275 (with Cord Jakobeit, Philipp Hiller und Nils Thomsen).

Chapters in Edited Volumes

  1. Speechmaking under Preferential-List PR: The Case of Poland.
    Forthcoming. In: Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus and Jorge Fernandes (Eds.): The Politics of Legislative Debate, Oxford University Press (with Kamil Marcinkiewicz).
  2. O partido de direita radical “Alternativa para a Alemanha” (AfD) nas eleições municipais: desempenho eleitoral, temas enfatizados e tomada de posição
    Forthcoming. In: Antonio Lavareda and Helcimara Telles (Eds.): Eleições municipais brasileiras e internacionais, Editora FGV (with Martin Gross).
  3. Lokale Wahlprogramme. Ein blinder Fleck der deutschen Kommunalpolitikforschung?
    2020. In: Björn Egner und Detlef Sack (Eds.). Neue Koalitionen – alte Probleme. Lokale Entscheidungsprozesse im Wandel, SpringerVS, 101-126 (with Martin Gross).
  4. Die politische Landschaft zur Bundestagswahl 2017. Befunde aus zwei Voting Advice Applications und dem Chapel Hill Expert Survey.
    2019. In: Karl-Rudolf Korte and Jan Schoofs (Eds.). Die Bundestagswahl 2017. Analysen der Wahl-, Parteien-, Kommunikations- und Regierungsforschung, SpringerVS, 267-291 (with Jan Philipp Thomeczek and Andre Krouwel).
  5. “…Deutschland eben.” Eine Analyse zur Interpretation des Begriffs ‘rechts’ durch Bundestagskandidaten auf Grundlage von Structural Topic Models.
    2019. In: Markus Steinbrecher, Evelyn Bytzek, and Ulrich Rosar (Eds.). Identität – Identifikation – Ideologie, SpringerVS, 141-179 (with Sebastian Schneider and Markus Tepe).
  6. Varieties of Legislative Voting Patterns. The Impact of Majority, Minority, and Caretaker Governments.
    2019. Jahrbuch Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie – Band 11, SpringerVS, 33-61 (with Kamil Marcinkiewicz).
  7. Social Heterogeneity and Choice Failure under Condorcet and Borda.
    2017. Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie – Band 10, SpringerVS, 143-166 (with Markus Tepe).
  8. Die Bundestagswahl 2013 im historischen Vergleich.
    2015. In: Oliver Strijbis and Kai-Uwe Schnapp (Eds.). Aktivierung und Überzeugung im Bundestagswahlkampf 2013, SpringerVS, 55-78 (with Kamil Marcinkiewicz).

Under Review/Work in Progress

No Evidence of Strategic Descriptive Representation (with Ben Guinaudeau).